Considering an Online Degree in Education? Be Sure to Check for Accreditation.

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by All Star Staff

student looking for accredited online degree programs
student looking for accredited online degree programs

Online schools currently enjoy high enrollment rates across degree levels and specialties. The proliferation of online education in the U.S. has made it easier for many potential teachers to finish their teacher education, get certified and start their teaching careers. If getting an accredited online bachelor degree in education to advance your teaching career is your goal, you’ll want to do a little homework first.

Make Sure Your Online Degree is Accredited

Accreditation is an often overlooked aspect of online degree programs. But don’t make the mistake of neglecting accreditation information as you make decisions about where to get your online bachelor degree in education. And once you determine that your online degree program is accredited, double check with your state department of education so that you’re absolutely sure that your online teacher education will be accepted for your teaching certificate.

From the student perspective, there are a few important aspects of accreditation you can’t afford to ignore.

The Benefits of Accreditation

An accredited online bachelor degree in education gives you opportunities that a degree from an unaccredited institution cannot. The most well-known advantage is the opportunity to transfer credits to campus-based or other online universities if you change schools or decide to get a graduate degree.

This is especially important in the education sector, because changing certification and continuing education requirements can turn you into a student again sooner than you think, and you may not earn all of your education credits at the same school.

Attending an accredited online education program has important implications for student financial aid as well. To receive federal or state financial aid, your program must be accredited by an approved agency. See our education school accreditation article for more information.

But the most important aspect of accreditation has to do with the quality of education you need to become a teacher. In order to become accredited, teaching colleges must undergo a costly and thorough process, meet faculty and program requirements, and prove that their graduates possess first-class knowledge and skills.

Education schools that have met these criteria are the kind you want to attend to prepare for your teaching career.

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